Friday, October 24, 2008

Without Thunder - sneak peak film stills!

Now that I have finished the animation, I have started on the backgrounds for my film, Without Thunder. I've done this a little differently as I usually know the end result at the beginning, before animation etc however I decided to create the characters, focus on their acting and then create a look and feel for the film. So far it's working quite nicely. The fact that there is only one location in the film makes it easier to work this way.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Sexy Elephant Seals

I got a freelance job doing some animation of elephant seals in the not too distant future…so I thought I’d warm up with sketches and paintings of the beasts. My original sketch of these two look more menacing, like the bull was trying to protect her, but then I found out that this is most likely the two having sex. So I gave the guy a more complacent look.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Illustration Friday: Sugary

Kind of a sequel to my second illo friday for packed the wiener dog has run away with some of the kitties sugary lollies.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Illustration Friday: Packed - the second

The kitties stumbled upon a pumpkin packed full of lolly goodness. 

Thursday, October 02, 2008


We had a discussion about these guys at lunch and learnt that they actually fight like this! (Click on the image, they move!)

Missing Fingers - The Book!

I am finally turning my film Missing Fingers into a kid's book. Here is the start!