Thursday, December 21, 2006

Illustration Friday: Help

I rushed this week a bit so I could get a post in since I haven't done so in a means I get loads of work at the shop which is great for [resent buying, but bad for my head. Anyway, I drew this for HELP as it comes from a line in a Snow Patrol song "How to be Dead" it's the very last line "Dr Jekyll is wrestling Hyde....for my pride" It's one of my favourite songs at the moment, and whilst I haven't done it justice just yet, I wanted to share it...hopefully in the new year I'll get some time to rework it and make it to my standard. I've put in three images, the rough, a concept painting (my wacom tablet went funny so the pen pressure didn't work) and a flash drawing.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Illustration Friday: Invention

I had several ideas this week for an illo, however due to lack of time I resorted to a few quick sketches of my dogs post operation. They got desexed on Tusday and now have to wear big buckets on their collars. These are both blessing and nightmare. Whilst they offer great amounts of hilarity to look at, and manage to stop the dogs from getting at their stiches, it really screws up their periferal vision and so they manage to crash a lot. At first this was sooo funny and provided a great deal of entertainment...they really hurt when the dog comes hurtling towards you and doesn't know when to stop. I've been knocked over a number of times...and this is with the dogs on here is my "invention"!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Illustration Friday - Windy dog

Finally I've had a chance to do some artwork for fun. I did this really quickly in the last hour, just playing around with my tablet. My boyfriend's dog, Lotus loves the beach, but I think he loves the car ride there even more. He'll ride the entire hour and a half with his head resting out the window. My dad said he was told it was like christmas for them. The photos are of Lotus' first discovery of wind when he was just a small pup.

Monday, October 09, 2006

48 Hour film project

Over the weekend my friend Andres and I got together to make a 4 minute animated film in two days...we got 2 hours sleep. We did it for a competition where you get given a random genre (we got comedy), a character, prop and line of dialogue that had to be in the film at some point. This year they were, "Crazy Bob" child entertainer; an orange toothbrush; "I don't know where it came from". We had a lot of fun making it, and when I get a chance I'll pop a video of it on here. For now you'll have to live with some stills from the parts I did :)

Friday, September 29, 2006

Way past my bedtime

I'm up so thought I'd change my blog a bit, make it a little more "streamlined." I finished my website today apart from a few minor bits and pieces so hopefully I'll be able to find a cheap web hosting deal that will allow me to shine! In the mean time you can check it out at I'm stealing space from my parents....Anyway, hope you like it, the new look and a couple piccies of my dogs. The white dog is PJ, he unfortunately went to heaven, just like all dogs do so I am told...Bob is the little pup. He's my little baby. He graduated puppy school last night with flying colours. I better get some sleep...night!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Euphoric Splendour

Some more concept art I've been wokring on. This is for "euphoria".
Not sure which will be chosen...I like the middle one the best.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

A Happy Graveyard

Here's some concept art I've been working on for a graveyard scene in a music video project I'm a part of...they're based on one of the colour sketches from an earlier post. I'm quite happy with these, they worked out a lot better than I thought they originally would.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Some Concept Art

Long time no blog. Man I've been busy! I'm rapidly doing up concept art and storyboards for my stop motion film I'm hoping to get funding for, as well as concept art for a music video some people are making, and working my casual job so I can pay the bills! Woooo.
Anyway...some artwork :)

Monday, July 10, 2006

Illustration Friday - Skyline, behold the view

Well I decided to take a break from yellow and went for some quick blue studies for this weeks Illustration Friday. The top is a quick colour sketch and the bottom is a flash drawing, however I think I rushed it a little too much, but I have a lot to do, so I may get back to it later...

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Illustration Friday - Sticky Icky

Again, more practice in using my tablet and working with a golden colour scheme. Soon I'll start my concept art and character design for my film. I'll probably start up an independent blog for that one...stay tuned!

My fortnightly life drawing

I've started taking up life drawing seesions through Queensland Animator's so thought I'd pop my fav up

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Illustration Friday - Rain (what else would you do?!)

Well this week I decided to spend a little more time on my illo friday as I am in desperate need for creative outlet, which tends to happen when work gets mundane. So I gave myself a task. I am going to be starting some concept art for a short animated film I've written, and want the colour styling to be like that of Bruegel's and Bosch's works. Very warm and yellow. So I am going to start by using illo friday's theme to help me get into that. Unfortunately the rain topic made it a little difficult get into yellows...but I'm quite happy with the way it turned out, for only a day's work.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Illustration Friday - Dance baby Dance

"School Recital Night"

All I could think of when I saw the topic for this week's Illo Friday was "dance" were the school recitals I did when I was in primary school. They always involed my mum being up all night for a week making costumes for me and my brother and sister. And they were always ridiculous costumes...So here is my little ballet bear. She's so cute.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Illustration Friday - Cake...mmm...cake

Finally a spare moment for me to do some drawing and experimenting. I called in sick to work today, only had a 3 hour shift and I still had to go to the doc to get a certificate...grrr. Not too happy with that. It's only a casual job!
But anyhoo, I managed to spend some time in bed doing some doodling and wound up with this. It's my first attempt at painting in photoshop, so I'm still getting the hang of it, but for a first attempt I'm quite happy. Hopefully I'll manage to do some more experimentation down the line with this look. My awesome friend Adele showed me how she does it...go to her web site - her stuff ROCKS!

Well I hope you like this...soon I hope to have my website finished and am going to do up a customised blog for that, so it shouldn't be too long before Daisy is truly web based.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Illustration Friday - FAT

I did this one really quickly, as I was instantly inspired by Augustus Gloop, my favourite fatty from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Don't know why I didn't give him feet...he probably needs them to catch the chocolate...but it's not like he needs the chocolate, now is it...

I put in two different ones cause I cant make up my mind which I like better. Think I like the white one so far.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Veggie Plot

I am re-illustrating an ebook I did for my grandma (she's written loads of children's education books) and have just started mucking around with concepts. This is just an idea, and hopefully I'll get into the full swing of it and go nuts. (Yes, I did steal the sea from my illustration Friday...)

Sunday, April 30, 2006

llusration Friday - Under the Sea

This is not only my first go at llustration Friday, but also my first post...yay! I hope that everyone enjoys my work and whatever I decide to post in the future.

I liked the idea of fish pirates, so thats what I drew. It was fun and refreshing to do something for no particular reason, just to draw...