Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Illustration Friday - Cake...mmm...cake

Finally a spare moment for me to do some drawing and experimenting. I called in sick to work today, only had a 3 hour shift and I still had to go to the doc to get a certificate...grrr. Not too happy with that. It's only a casual job!
But anyhoo, I managed to spend some time in bed doing some doodling and wound up with this. It's my first attempt at painting in photoshop, so I'm still getting the hang of it, but for a first attempt I'm quite happy. Hopefully I'll manage to do some more experimentation down the line with this look. My awesome friend Adele showed me how she does it...go to her web site - her stuff ROCKS!

Well I hope you like this...soon I hope to have my website finished and am going to do up a customised blog for that, so it shouldn't be too long before Daisy is truly web based.

1 comment:

Miss Kent said...

love this! Nice idea!