Thursday, June 29, 2006

Illustration Friday - Rain (what else would you do?!)

Well this week I decided to spend a little more time on my illo friday as I am in desperate need for creative outlet, which tends to happen when work gets mundane. So I gave myself a task. I am going to be starting some concept art for a short animated film I've written, and want the colour styling to be like that of Bruegel's and Bosch's works. Very warm and yellow. So I am going to start by using illo friday's theme to help me get into that. Unfortunately the rain topic made it a little difficult get into yellows...but I'm quite happy with the way it turned out, for only a day's work.


Willie Baronet said...

Ok, that is a great idea, but I might also find a good book and listen to the thunder. :-) Nice job.

Franfou said...

cool ! what a scenery !

Diane Duda said...

You should be happy with the way it turned's beautiful!

Amy Zaleski said...

This is wonderfully done. I do love the colors and the composition. Very romantic as well!

arvindh said...

This is lovely!

carla said...

This is so romantic! I love the green and the rain on the water. The leaves on the tree are wonderul with the swirly designs. I like this very much...great job!

claudine hellmuth said...


Digital Scott's Illustrationblog said...

What a delightful scene. Lots going on here to engage the viewer. Nice color scheme.