Thursday, November 02, 2006

Illustration Friday - Windy dog

Finally I've had a chance to do some artwork for fun. I did this really quickly in the last hour, just playing around with my tablet. My boyfriend's dog, Lotus loves the beach, but I think he loves the car ride there even more. He'll ride the entire hour and a half with his head resting out the window. My dad said he was told it was like christmas for them. The photos are of Lotus' first discovery of wind when he was just a small pup.


studio lolo said...

I love this!! I take my dog Emma to the beach twice a day. We're lucky enough to be five minutes away but she still has her head out the window, even for the short drive. Nice illo...hugs to the doggies :)

marc said...

Hi Daisy,
Your dog is beautiful!
The dog like to put the head at the window to take the wind!
Great illo!
Have a nice day!

Heartful said...

Such a sweet illustration, I really like the perspective you've taken on it. Lotus is so sweeet!!

Rosa Prat said...

great drawing! :)

Michelle Lana said...

great illo! very nice work!

Amy Farrier said...

love the perspective and look of total bliss on the dog's face.

trowbridge chronicles said...

I like your loose sketchy style. It's so full of life.

Anonymous said...

That's lovely! Interesting perspective and I like how you've done the tree outside. What a lovely dog!

S.T. Lewis said...

I love the rear-view mirror staging of this one... very cool. I'd be a little nervous that hitting a bump in this situation would behead my dog, but as long as you take the bumps slowly, everyone should arrive at the beach with heads and bodies still attached. Nice drawing, Daisy.