Monday, August 27, 2007

Turning Norman Bates into a Giant Cupcake

I've been crazy busy this week doing some storyboards for some people I've become friends with here in New's a cool thing they've got going. Sets are being built and my boards are being used to sell the script to an actress interested in playing the part. Since I haven't done this for so long it was a lot of fun getting back into it all. Though I'm looking forward to getting my new moleskin out and being creative in a book - you know old school!

The film includes a Psycho influenced scene to finish...very fun to board up!! I also did some concept art as fun fun.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Illustration Friday: Emergency

Haha...this one is a first for me. A topic where I can post an existing piece of artwork. My best friend is a paramedic (a really good one too!) and I drew this for his birthday after we first got together. We're only friends now as I moved away but he's my favourite person. I miss him like crazy, so it's a Missing Emergency illo friday!! I had an idea for last weeks but never got around to executing it...hopefully I'll get to it this week and post it.

This was drawn and inked by hand then coloured in pshop...really basic though I was going for a very graphic look.

Friday, August 03, 2007

a flash portrait

I saw a self portrait of this guy in a magazine, so thought I'd have a go at painting in flash...this is the outcome.

Toy concepts

I'm going to have a crack at making some toys...just to see how I go! These are the concepts I've come up with, drawn in flash. It's the only fabric I have...hence the stripey browns.